Anti Coronavirus Measures
Let's defeat the Pandemic together!
The Coronavirus pandemic has been one of the most shocking events of our recent history. All of us have suffered and are still suffering its effects: staying home, closing officies and activities, loss of millions of lives and jobs... But now it's the moment to restart, to turn back to travel and to live our lives again!
However, although we have begun to see the light at the end of the tunnel, the danger hasn't completely passed yet. In order to prevent the arrival of a second pandemic wave, to guarantee the common safety and to enjoy again our experiences in peace and security, it is our duty to follow a few simple but very important rules, such as those explained by the World Health Organization...
A few simple raccomendations to protect yourself against COVID
Now that the Coronavirus danger has been reduced, even if not yet defeat, we can turn back to cultivate our passions, to meet our relatives and friends, to travel (to safe destinations) following some indications, useful to protect ourselves, our families and the people around us.
At the purpose, the WHO (World Health Organisation), recommends these 10 best practices:
Wash your hands often and well;
Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth;
Maintain the minimum safety distance of 1 metre (3 feet);
If you can't respect the former point, protect your nose and mouth with a mask;
Avoid direct contacts with people;
Avoid promiscuous use of bottles and glasses;
Avoid crowded places;
If you are unwell and mention the early flu symptoms, do not leave your home and contact your doctor;
Do not take antiviral drugs and antibiotics unless prescribed by your doctor;
Clean the surfaces with chlorine or alcohol based disinfectants.
The British Government's indications for Tenants and Landlords
In order to preserve Public Health and to allow the return to normal activities, both work and non-work, the British Government has issued some guidelines on behavior and possibilities for tenants and landlords in the post-pandemic phase.
Click below to download the governmental guidance.